Thursday, October 9, 2008

Eleni Coluzzi’s Tiramisu

250 ml long black (espresso) coffee
1/2 tsp Sambucca
4 tbsp sugar
125g (1/2 packet) Savoiardi biscuits
3 free range eggs, separated
250g light Philadelphia cream cheese
600ml thickened cream
Shaved dark chocolate or chocolate sprinkles
Mix the coffee, Sambucca and 1 tbsp of the sugar together. Break the Savoiardi biscuits into halves and dunk
each half in the coffee mixture. Line a small lasagne dish or seven dessert bowls with the biscuits. Put the egg
yolks and remaining sugar into the bowl of a food processor and process for 3 minutes. Whisk the egg whites
until frothy and add to the egg yolk mixture. Add the cream cheese and thickened cream and process until
smooth and thick, about 5 - 10 minutes. Spoon cream cheese mixture evenly over biscuits. Decorate top with
shaved chocolate. Refrigerate, covered, for one hour before serving.

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